Today I am 37 weeks pregnant, so I am so pleased to have got this far. On Friday I had a scan and everything is o.k both babies are about 6lb now so I am not too worried. I feel massive now and it is really hard to sleep. I have to sleep on my side but the babies are stretching round the side now so even that is hard now as it feels like I am lying on them. I think I am going to have to re check my hospital bag as it was so long ago now that I did it I can't remember what is in it.
This weekend is our last weekend the 3 of us, as my parents are coming down next weekend to begin looking after Isabella. We just went for a walk on the beach and saw 3 seals which was lovely. Then it started raining, so we nipped into the local Garden centre where they have a Santa's Grotto. It occurred to me that a simple trip like that which is so much fun for your children suddenly gets really expensive with 3. It goes from £5 to £15. Then I started thinking about any day out and it gets quite scary! Last night we went for an early dinner just the 3 of us which was lovely as I think it will be a long time before we get to do things like that again!
This Tuesday I go to Truro, to meet my anaethesist and do paperwork before my c section, then I have to go Penzance to see the consultant in the afternoon which seems a lot of running around to me for one day, luckily Roger has taken a day off to come with me and I have put Isabella into nursery for the day so it shouldn't be too bad. Then after those appointments that's it till I have them!