Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Go Real Nappy Blog, Lucy Clough, Week 7
Anyway I don't have any appointments next week even though I am supposed to be monitored everyweek now and my appoinment after that is to discuss my birth plan so I'll probably talk about that next week alongside another week of sleep deprivation!
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Go Real Nappy Blog, Lucy Clough, Week 6
I saw the mid wife yesterday and she did find 2 heart beats-however I was a bit dubious as to whether she actually had or not because she said I could go and be monitored if I like which made me think she was unsure herself if you see what I mean?! Anyway I've just had a scan and they are both fine. They have swapped places wriggles is now breach and lazy is now presenting. However I still have an incredible pain in my left rib. What was a massive relief for both my husband and myself is that one weighs 4lb 6 and the other weighs 4lb 4 so at 32 weeks I thought that was really good. Also the sonographer said I have to be more assertive in my scans because everytime I have a scan they change which one is twin 1 and which one is twin 2 so it means all the measurements in my notes are confused as no one has any idea which one is which.
They have made an appointment for another scan in 4 weeks time when I will be 36 weeks but to be honest I am not sure I will make that as I am really struggling now. I am having massive hot flushes where I think I am going to faint or be sick and I just feel really exhausted all the time. I feel guilty because I feel like I am not being a very fun mum to poor Isabella as I can't bend down now and I'm so tired that I know I am not being Mrs enthusistic all the time.
Next week I have a consultants appointment I really want to try and get a date from them for my c section instead of just week beginning 6th Dec! We'll see!
Friday, 23 October 2009
Go Real Nappy Blog, Lucy Clough, Week 5
Next week I have a scan and a midwife appointment, which will be reassuring as 'wriggles' is not really moving very much at all these days, probably as there isn't any room!
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Go Real Nappy Blog, Lucy Clough, Week 4
So we are aiming for the birth to be the first week of December, which is 8 weeks to go. Hopefully this way I will definately be home for Christmas and for Isabella's 4th birthday. I had to be kept in over Christmas with Isabella which wasn't much fun! Actually as she was my first baby it didn't really matter as we were just in this haze of having had a baby, but this time I would be devestated if I missed Isabella opening all her presents both for her birthday and Christmas.
Christmas in hospital was ok really it was so quiet I was the only person in the whole ward as anyone who was allowed to go home did go home! The mayor and about 10 hospital "big wig" people all came into my room doing their rounds to see me which was a bit strange!! And Christmas dinner well they did make a real effort and had we had crackers etc but in true newborn baby style just as it arrived Isabella started crying and wanted a 2 hour feed!!!!
Monday, 28 September 2009
Go Real Nappy Blog - Lucy Clough, Week 3
So today I am 28 weeks, Lazy and wriggles seem to have swapped roles. Lazy is now always moving and wriggles seems quieter. We have completely finished their bedroom now which is really cute. Isabella and I painted a train on the wall to match their quilts. The health visitor came round last week and gave me two red books one for each of them. I have just finished reading a book about how to bring up twins. The only thing I would like to do as the book suggests but can't is give them seperate rooms. At first when they are babies I am thinking it might be more convenient to have them in the same place instead of running up and down the stairs between the two. As a twin myself I agree with a lot that the book says. I feel quite prepared that hopefully I will understand what it is like to be a twin.
Although my parents never called us 'the twins', they did things that I would do differently. For example every spelling test, exam result, report etc was done publicly at the dinner table at the end of the day. I intend to do this very privately with each child as the way it was done with us caused so many problems between myself and my twin.. One thing I never thought to do is not tell them which one was born first. I think I made my brother's life a misery saying I am 2 minutes older than you I am the oldest, I go first etc! So now I am going to think about this and whether I can get away with saying they were born at the same time!!
I have a consultants appointment tomorrow and I am hoping to get more information about the birth, as so far everything has been a bit vague. I also have to have a glucose tolerance test (to test for gestational diabetes) this week which is apparantly standard proceedure at 28 weeks with twins. So hopefully I'll be able to have more information to think about concerning the birth.
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Go Real Nappy Blog - Lucy Clough, Week 2
Whilst in the metropolis of Truro we did buy the boys some outfits and essential baby equipment so now we are all organised and ready in case they come early. I have been talking to parents of twins and asking for lots of advice. I myself am a twin and was born at 39 weeks, however most people I have been talking to say their twins came early and to get organised as early as possible.
I am still really tired, we went out on Saturday night for a friends’ birthday, I left at 11 leaving my husband to party till 4am! It’s funny because I don’t feel I’m missing out not drinking and going to bed early at all, it must be your bodies way of preparing itself?! The only way I did miss out was that my husband couldn’t remember anything after I left which wasn’t that useful, in fact neither was he the next day…bless him!
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Go Real Nappy Blog - Lucy Clough, Week 1
Name: Lucy Clough
Age: 33 (about to be 34!)
Married: Roger with Isabella 3 ½
Lives: St.Ives
Pregnant with twin boys due date 21st December
Job: Trying to write pregnancy blog with one hand whilst 3 year old hangs off the other arm (used to be a primary teacher and a pizza entrepreneur now full time mum)
Have decided absolutely have to start getting twins room ready this week but getting the energy to do this is proving quite difficult! I’ve been much more than tired than I was with Isabella although my bump is no bigger which is still amazing me. This weekend they were really active, I have been feeling them move for some time, but now you can see my whole belly move rather than just me feel it inside.
I’ve named twin 1 ‘lazy’ and twin 2 ‘wriggles’. Wriggles is always moving whereas Lazy only moves occasionally. The other day I ate something spicy and they took it in turns to have hiccups which was quite funny and I wondered if this is what it will be like when they are born, just as you get one sorted out the other will need feeding/changing/ winding/cuddling etc!
I’m really excited about this weekend as I’m having a 4d scan. I had one done with Isabella and it was brilliant so I think seeing twins together will be really special. I shall post some photos on next weeks’ blog for you all to see, I’m thinking of bed already as it is 6.30pm!! These days I’m sometimes asleep before my 3 ½ year old!