Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Go Real Nappy Blog, Lucy Clough, Week 4

I've gone and done it again and missed a week from my blog I might try and do 2 this week to catch up!! Since my last blog I have seen the consultant and midwife. This time for the first time I was actually able to discuss the birth! My last scan showed that they were both head down and the placentas were in the correct places so I was considering maybe a natural birth afterall. With Isabella she was breach and I had placenta previa so there was no option I had to have a c section. However, after a big discussion weighing up the pros and cons I have definately decided to have a c section. I just want to do whatever is safest for both myself and the babies. One thing I really didn't want to happen is that you give birth to the first twin naturally and then the second my c section. Lazy twin is back to being breach again anyway so atleast that's that decided. There is still the chance (as with any pregnancy but especially a twin one) that they will decide to appear earlier than this!!

So we are aiming for the birth to be the first week of December, which is 8 weeks to go. Hopefully this way I will definately be home for Christmas and for Isabella's 4th birthday. I had to be kept in over Christmas with Isabella which wasn't much fun! Actually as she was my first baby it didn't really matter as we were just in this haze of having had a baby, but this time I would be devestated if I missed Isabella opening all her presents both for her birthday and Christmas.

Christmas in hospital was ok really it was so quiet I was the only person in the whole ward as anyone who was allowed to go home did go home! The mayor and about 10 hospital "big wig" people all came into my room doing their rounds to see me which was a bit strange!! And Christmas dinner well they did make a real effort and had we had crackers etc but in true newborn baby style just as it arrived Isabella started crying and wanted a 2 hour feed!!!!

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