Wednesday 9 September 2009

Go Real Nappy Blog - Lucy Clough, Week 2

I am 25 weeks now and beginning to get quite big! I have put some photos from my recent 3d scan for you to see of both of the twins. At my last scan they were both breach and nuzzling each others noses, which was so cute. However, ‘wriggles’ decided to go head down for his photo shoot so we couldn’t get them face to face, we did get lots of feet in the face in fact ‘wriggles’ looked like he was sucking his own feet at one point!

Whilst in the metropolis of Truro we did buy the boys some outfits and essential baby equipment so now we are all organised and ready in case they come early. I have been talking to parents of twins and asking for lots of advice. I myself am a twin and was born at 39 weeks, however most people I have been talking to say their twins came early and to get organised as early as possible.

I am still really tired, we went out on Saturday night for a friends’ birthday, I left at 11 leaving my husband to party till 4am! It’s funny because I don’t feel I’m missing out not drinking and going to bed early at all, it must be your bodies way of preparing itself?! The only way I did miss out was that my husband couldn’t remember anything after I left which wasn’t that useful, in fact neither was he the next day…bless him!


  1. What a blessing to be having twins:)
    Wishing you all the best.

  2. hi
    it sounds very exciting,
    i love my 3d scan so much that i went back again, i was nearly 33 weeks and kept thinking oh my god he still got time to get bigger and he was already squashed lol
    all the best and looking forward to reading
